Saturday, October 15, 2011

October Thunder

Black fists of clouds banked, then rolled off the Big Lake. 
Small crystal pellets bounced merrily on the drive
Among the wind-felled hickory nuts.

"Time to go to Florida," I say.
Rob chuckles and tells me to run for the truck.

Off we go to Lutz's Drive-In at the 5-Mile corner.
Mary and Craig will join us.  We're a tad early.
By the time they arrive,
The rain is coming down in solid sheets of water.
No gentle shower...this.

We all settle at oil-clothed tables...comfortable with our local eating place.
Folks pour through the door to get in and out of the rain,
Hoods gripped tightly to cheek and chin
To protect Friday night hair.
Young families eager to eat,
Then off to the local high school football game.
Seasoned couples, like us, just enjoying a night out with friends.

October Thunder rolls and rumbles over and through 
The constant din of diner's conversations.
Sharp streaks of lighting bounce
Through rain splattered windows,
Adding sudden jagged light to laden tables
Of pizza, chicken-wing baskets, Alaskan Pollack
Pop, beer, wine and water.

I shiver...goose bumps raising
On indoor, warm, dry skin.

"Time to go to Florida," I say.
Rob chuckles and squeezes my shoulders.


  1. Connee, I think it's time to go to Florida.

  2. Rob says, "Not yet." We've still got the corn to get in the bin:)
